Thanks to everybody who pre-ordered the 'We're from Norwich 20' record, they have arrived and we are beginning to work our way through the backorders, you will soon be receiving a big box of music delivered to your front door.
For those who haven't ordered it yet go to our shop and check out what we've got.
For £20 you get the 'We're from Norwich 20' vinyl LP featuring 12 tracks from 12 artists living and working in Norwich now. You also get the 'More from Norwich' CD with a further 15 tracks we couldn't fit on the LP, the 'I'm not from here but it feels like home' book collecting articles about the last 20 years of the Norwich music scene and the 'We're from Norwich 20' download which includes over 100 tracks of the best Norwich artists from the last 20 years.
For £30 you get all the above plus the 'Lucky 7' goodie bag featuring a selection of historic merch including things like 7" vinyl, cassettes, CDs, posters, badges, downloads, etc.
For £50 you get all the above plus 'We're from Norwich' 1+2 on vinyl, 5 eclectic 7" vinyl records from the archives + more. That's a lot of vinyl!
Go to our online SHOP now to check it out.