As of January 2024, Off with their Records is undergoing major restructuring. We're moving to Bandcamp and we're completely changing our web infrastructure. It doesn't sound like it but this is actually all very exciting stuff as it represents a significant change in the way we operate. Funnily enough, some of these changes are a return to the original ethos and modus operandi of the label. Over time I have tried various new developments as well as made moves to adapt to cultural currents, the change was good and has served us well but it's time for more changes and the original principles of the label still stand tall and guide those changes. One significant return to the past is that we're moving our website back to Tumblr. This has been made possible by the fact that Tumblr stopped peddling in porn so it's now a viable choice of website that won't get filtered out by people's browsers. Which is great because Tumblr is free! None of this will explicitly affect you, dear fan, but everything will look and feel better. More real, more DIY.
Thanks for your continued support, follow us on Bandcamp and Instagram bookmark to stay up to date with Norwich music.