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Painted Heathers - 'Perennial'
Bandcamp rerelease
Out Now

(click above to purchase from our Bandcamp)


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Soyuz Rats
II ep

Continuing our rereleases for Bandcamp

HAIR ISLAND (Remix) - EPIAShane O'Linski
00:00 / 04:00


28th Feb. - Tom Conway album launch - Louis Marchesi (upstairs 1st floor)

feat. Tom Conway + TBC

Record of Previous Events (click here)

Off with their Records Playlist

Listen to our artists here for free on our exclusive playlist powered by Wix Music 

New Yeah!

As the new "yeah!" passes into being, I have to post an obligatory statement. 

Last year, I released albums from Joey Herzfeld, Tom Conway and the inimitable Shane O'Linski's Haemogoblin. I also started up the podcast again and produced 12 episodes, each one featuring a session from a different Norwich band or artist, find it at or wherever people get podcasts. And I played and helped run dozens of gigs. Despite all that, it felt like a very lazy year. Sure, I have a job and a family but I also spent an inordinate amount of time playing Crash Team Racing, watching TV and reading comic books. And I wouldn't change a thing, I tell ya, mwah ha ha ha. Moving into '25, I am continuing to try and respond dynamically to the world around me, not keep running on tracks. I have talked before about how the label evolves over the years, it was created with firm ideals and practices in answer to the consequences of the Digital Revolution. 8 years later, while the principles remain the same, the culture and technological context continues to change. I feel the label needs to rethink how it operates in order to continue being cutting edge. Nonetheless, all that shite aside, we will continue to release, produce and support art which inspires, lifts and improves the world around it. 

Continue to support us by following us. One thing we're looking into is our relationship with social media but we're still there for now. And purchase our products. Again, we're looking into various other music platforms but currently purchasing a download direct from our store is still the best way to support us and our artists and it's an active and meaningful way to listen to music. Thanks and wishing you the best of yeahs.


Featured Video

MARLA - Átök

Released 02/12/22

After 40 years as a musician, countless bands, and over 1000 solo songs to his name, Shane O'Linski finally hits Spotify. As you may we know we only release a limited amount of music on Spotify but we have put this whole album up. 'Ever the Unless' is part 1 of a 3-part album that Shane recorded over lockdown. This sprawling opus was recorded during, and bats against, the bizarre year that was 2020. Within Shane's oeuvre I'd describe this release as "typically unique".

The CD comes with a free copy of the forthcoming digibundle which will include the entire 3-part album plus bonus content.

This is latest release from Off with their Records. Do with it what you will.

We have tons of stuffs coming up. 9th July we are working with Ideal Surreal putting on another 3-floor gig at Karma Kafe. Featuring amazing local acts you may have heard of and some you probably haven't heard of. Big boys include local badasses Floral Image,Pin Ups, Bug Teeth, Kulk. Lesser known acts include a one-off solo set from Mark Jennings (known for being the main man in Broads, EPIA and Master Solo) and the fantastic live electronic duet 'The Boil'; they've only played one gig before when I sound engineered for them pre-pandemic and they were mind-blowing, that's why I've asked them back. Do not miss!

After much work it's finally here: "Everything You Heard Before Could Have Been Better". Celebrating 20 years of Shane O'Linski, a leading light in Norwich's vibrant music scene, this documentary was a labour of love that persisted through tricky times. Featuring interviews with The Neutrinos singer Karen O'Reilly, Will Teather, Ideal Surreal's Sean O'Neill, Chad Mason, Annie Catwoman, Joey Herzfeld and of course Shane himself plus loads of lovely music. Download includes audio footnotes, soundtrack, info PDFs, and 171 amazing flyers chronicling 20 years of Norwich gigs. Download it from our shop for just £3.


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